St. Luke’s Church

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History of St. Luke’s Church

The first Church of England Church, in Port de Grave, was started in 1823, finished in 1826 and consecrated.  Bishop John Inglis, in July of 1827.  It was build on land purchased from on the Dawe Families and was located on the hill behind the present Church Hall.  1827 was also the year the first clergyman, Rev. Charles Blackman, arrived at Port de Grave.  Robert Prowse, father of Judge Prowse, was the first Church Warden.

This Church was enlarged in 1831 and was replaced by a new Church on the site of the present one, in 1873.  This Church was much bigger having seating for 550 people.  About 1885 a bell was installed in a belfry close to the road.

In 1916 it was found that this building was too small and it was decided to build the present Church, which is 100 feet long and was originally, designed to seat 1,000 people.  A very tall tower (which was shortened in 1949) was built on the Church to house the bell.  It took 10 years to build this Church due to mainly, years of poor fishery and the large number of young men (41) serving in the Armed Forces during World War I.

The Church was finished and consecrated by Bishop White in 1926.  It continues to serve the people of Port de Grave today.

Fr. Paul Thoms and the congregation of St. Luke’s invite you to share in our weekly services.

During COVID 19 –  Rev. Linda Budden shared with her conversation a weekly online service.  The services were videotaped and produced by Joyce Morgan, music by their Organist Barbara Crane.  These services brought some comfort to everyone who has been confined to their homes because of this awful pandemic.

The services can be found at:

Facebook page:

Or go to Joyce’s YouTube account and click on Libray:                                                                                         YouTube at:  Joyce’s YouTube

In Services now continue on a weekly basis and we invite you attend. Covid Regulations are in place.

Back in 1976 Gerald Andrews wrote about the history of St. Luke’s and St. Marks here is a copy. Please click on each photo to read. Posted with permission from Gerald Andrews and his representative Rose Andrews. These photos are not to be copied or used without the permission of the author. Click on the link below.